Ministry Teams
Ministry Teams are the life source and heart beat of every ministry. They comprise a collection of people with the different skills and gifts that are needed for the effective functioning of the ministry, which volunteers graciously make available to serve God in pursuit of His Vision and assignment for the organisation.
Every believer has a gift or a service that can help to get the job done! Please look through the list of available opportunities to serve, and prayerfully consider where God would have you volunteer your resources to help.
Every believer has a gift or a service that can help to get the job done! Please look through the list of available opportunities to serve, and prayerfully consider where God would have you volunteer your resources to help.
Discipleship Classes
Discipleship Classes are held during the week. Discipleship groups are generally small groups where members are divided into groups of 7-12 and the focus of the group is character formation.
Members are expected to experience the greatest spiritual growth, where doctrine is taught and each member has an opportunity to be mentored. There is an aspect of accountability for growth in the Christian walk.
Members are expected to experience the greatest spiritual growth, where doctrine is taught and each member has an opportunity to be mentored. There is an aspect of accountability for growth in the Christian walk.
Life Groups
Life Groups are small groups within the church, that help make disciples through the use of, and processing of God's story as it intersects with our stories. They facilitate the gaining and processing of biblical knowledge in community and utilise Scripture to get to know a complex God and to understand life in relationship with Him, and in partnership with other believers in the group. This is what someone has so pointedly referred to, as "experiential discipleship."
help us to serve you better

Please use this link to access or request for ministry assistance.
This is where you will be able to request or book appointments for counselling, pastoral care, prayer support, sign up for the different discipleship classes in session, book weddings, funeral services, baby dedication, water baptism and more...
This is where you will be able to request or book appointments for counselling, pastoral care, prayer support, sign up for the different discipleship classes in session, book weddings, funeral services, baby dedication, water baptism and more...